Monday 18th January 2016
An old composititors box - used by printers to store typeface - will be repurposed to display 96 miniature works of art. Here is the latest challenge for our XL exhibition!
Gail Marsh salvaged the box many years ago but only recently rediscovered it and thought it would be the perfect foil for INCHIES - those little pieces of fabric, embellished with stitches, buttons, found objects - in fact anything that fits in a one-inch square. There is a slight difference with this project in that not all the boxes are the same size. Gail has helpfully produced a map of the box and has asked members to sign up to make at least 2 squares.
We will be working to a limited palette of colours so that all the pieces coordinate: Neutrals (cream, black, dark grey to palest grey), Colours (dark rust to peach to pale peach, dark slate blue to turquoise to pale turquoise), Contrasts (mid yellow and gold metallic). Any technique, materials or designs including 3D, in fact the more ideas the better the final display.
All items to be finished by the April meeting. Please see Gail to sign up for this exciting project!
Florentine canvas work pieces are now complete and work is progressing on 1970's pieces, ruby themed work and not forgetting the Capability Brown project. It's going to be a busy few months.