
Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Mini workshops

(Images are the property of Skipton Branch of The Embroiderers' Guild)

Monday 28th April

A buzz of chatter and hive of industry greeted members as they arrived at Christ Church this month.  Chris Mitchell led a mini workshop to demonstrate the versatility of plastic canvas - from intricate 3D logs to wide-mouthed birds hiding a chocolate egg -  the possibilities were endless!

The competition to make a hand-made item in purple received a similarly diverse selection of items.  I would have given everyone a prize but Diane Thorburn's fine sampler was eventually selected as the winner.

It was also a chance for members to see all the beautiful contributions for the StArt Project as we laid them out and worried about how we would attach them to the final piece!  This is when several heads are better than one and after much discussion and debate we have a clear idea of how we are going to finish it.  

Next StArt workshop will take place with Jackie Lunn on Tuesday 13th May.